Examples of Dissipation in a sentence
Max Unit Class 2 - - 6 Class 3 - - 9 Class 4 - - 12 Class 5 - - 15 Class 6 - - 18 Low Power Mode Dissipation Plow - - 2 W Class 3 and 4 ICC - - 3.75 A Class 5 and 6 ICC - - 5.625 A Inrush Current5 Class 1 and 2 I-inrush - - 100 mA/usec Turn-off Current I-turnoff -100 - - mA/usec Inrush Current4 Class 3 and 4 I-inrush - - 200 mA/usec Turn-off Current I-turnoff -200 - - mA/usec Inrush Current4 Class 5 and 6 I-inrush - - 250 mA/usec 4 Maximum current per pin shall not exceed 500mA.
Solove, Digital Dossiers and the Dissipation of Fourth Amendment Privacy, 75 S.
ATC-17-1 Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive Energy Dissipation, and Active Control, March 1993, San Francisco, CA.
Dissipation of electrostatic charges may be improved with the use of conductivity additives when used with other mitigating efforts, including bonding and grounding.
Stability in soil : Dissipation time: < 50 dPercentage dissipation: 50 % (DT50) Remarks: Product is not persistent.
Dissipation or loss of energy as ultrasonic vibrations travel through the material.
UNIT – IVLarge Signal Amplifiers: Class A Power Amplifier, Maximum Value of Efficiency of Class– A Amplifier, Transformer Coupled Amplifier, Push Pull and Complimentary Symmetry Class B and Class AB Power Amplifiers – Principle of operation of class –C Amplifier, Transistor Power Dissipation, Heat Sinks.Tuned Amplifiers: Introduction, Q-Factor, Small Signal Tuned Amplifiers, frequency response of tuned amplifiers TEXT BOOKS:1.
Make a copy of the following forms to serve on the respondent:• Petition• Summons• Notice of CIF Filing• Notice of Statutory Restraining Order Preventing the Dissipation of Assets in Domestic Relations Actions• Uniform Support Declaration and Statement of Assets and Liabilities (if you are filing these documents with your Petition) (see Appendices A and C for information) SERVICE You must officially notify Respondent that you have filed a case.
The requirements of the surge arrestor are as follows: Peak Surge Current 15000 A Peak Surge Voltage @ 10KA 680 V Energy Handling 220 J Power Dissipation Rate 1.5 W maximum Continuous AC Voltage 130 V AC RMS Initial Breakdown (1mA) 212 V Typical Capacitance 4000 pF Operating Temp.
Stability in soil : Dissipation time: 157 dPercentage dissipation: 50 % (DT50) Remarks: Product is not persistent.