ore means any rock soil or alluvium bearing diamonds mined from mining leases granted pursuant to this Agreement;
ore means iron ore;
ore means the following Assets that (a) are owned by the Failed Bank as of the Bank Closing Date and purchased pursuant to the Purchase and Assumption Agreement or (b) have been acquired subsequent to the Bank Closing Date from the collection or settlement by the Assuming Institution of a Shared-Loss Loan, including, without limitation, any assets which have been fully or partially charged-off on the books and records of the Failed Bank or the Assuming Institution:
More Definitions of ore
ore means any material containing a mineral or minerals of commercial economic value mined from the Property; and
ore means a natural aggregate of one or more minerals which, at a specified time and place, may be mined and sold at a profit, or from which some part may be profitably separated.
ore means a metal or mineral or a combination of these of sufficient value as to quality and quantity to enable it to be mined at a profit;
ore means material containing minerals that can be economically extracted.
ore means iron ore, manganiferous ore and manganese ore; “person” or “persons” includes bodies corporate;
ore means all materials from the Mining Properties, the nature and composition of which justifies either:
(i) mining or removing from place and shipping and selling such material, or delivering such material to a processing plant for physical or chemical treatment; or
(ii) leaching such material in place;
ore means nickel ore;