Examples of Distributed antenna system in a sentence
Distributed antenna system (“DAS”) facility or facilities mean certain components of the Network consisting of distributed antenna systems which may be located on existing or new streetlights, stand-alone poles, third party utility poles, and other structures located on or within the ROW as permitted under this contract franchise ordinance, and which will be connected to underground and aboveground fiber optic cable, fiber handholes and enclosures, fiber repeaters and related equipment.
Distributed antenna system hub facilities are considered to be Communications Towers.
Distributed antenna system hub facilities are considered to be Tower- Based WCFs. WIRELESS — Transmissions through the airwaves including, but not limited to, infrared line of sight, cellular, PCS, microwave, satellite, or radio signals.
Distributed antenna system using radio over fiber for a city center application.
Aboriginal students are also more likely to be single parents and to interrupt their studies for financial reasons.