Distribution Pole definition
Examples of Distribution Pole in a sentence
If a Distribution Pole exhibits signs of damage or deterioration, Company flags the Distribution Pole for corrective action.
Note: Any pole attachment made via common bolt or extension shall be subject to the terms and conditions under Licensor’s “License Amendment and Addendum Distribution Pole Attachment Agreement to Sub-License Attachments.” A span wire installed in such a manner as to utilize the support messenger of a Joint Owner or another third party.
In this context, it is used as a Distribution Pole Identification Number.Each utility uses a unique version of SAP or similar programs attuned to their system and needs.
Distribution Pole RemovalAfter the new power poles are installed, old distribution poles would be removed.
The proposed designs for Electric Distribution Pole collocations are attached to this Settlement Agreement as Exhibits B and C.
No Noteholder may require the transfer of a Note to be registered (i) during the period of 15 days ending on (and including) the due date for redemption of that Note, (ii) during the period of 15 days prior to (and including) any date on which Notes may be called for redemption by the Issuer at its option pursuant to Condition 6(b), Condition 6(c) and Condition 6(d), (iii) after any such Note has been called for redemption, or (iv) during the period of seven days ending on (and including) any Record Date.
However, the Licensor reserves the right to assign the pole loading analysis to its engineering contractor or to the Licensee to hire and accepted National Grid engineering contractor to perform the pole loading analysis in accordance with Attachment 4 of the National Grid Distribution Pole Aerial Third Party Attachment Requirements.
In the event that a Distribution Pole is located within an environmentally sensitive area or abuts or is close to an environmentally sensitive area, it shall be Licensee’s responsibility to perform an environmental impact review and prepare an Environmental Management and Construction Plan (“EM&CP”).
The Applicant is responsible for furnishing and installing all facilities required for the Distribution Pole Line Extension.
This PA is submitted and governed by a Distribution Pole License Agreement between Applicant and Oncor, and the definitions in Section 1 are incorporated by reference in this PA.🞏 Antenna/Equipment to be installed onOncor pole per this PA meets all Oncor requirements🞏 Attach Equipment to an Oncor pole🞏 Communication Space 🞏 Pole Top 🞏 Supply Space🞏 Remove Equipment from an Oncor pole🞏 Replace Equipment – Not Like For Like Date Applicant would like to begin work (Min.