Examples of District Land Tribunal in a sentence
Section 76(1) (a) of the Land (Amendment) Act 2010 states that the jurisdiction of the District Land Tribunal shall be to determine dispute relating to the grant, lease, repossession, transfer or acquisition of land by individuals, the commission or other authority with responsibility relating to land.
This reality turns attention to opportunities for reducing life safety risks in the communities served by levee systems through not only levee repairs and upgrades but also the reduction of population exposure and vulnerability.
An aggrieved PAP may lodge his appeal to the respective District Land Officer and if not satisfied filed a case to Ward or District Land Tribunal.
In addition to general grievance procedures, for land related disputes the Land Act creates District Land Tribunal Courts (DLT) to determine disputes relating to the amount of compensation to be paid for land acquired compulsorily..
Complicated cases that require adjudication should be referred to the District Land Tribunal.
The highest authority for appeal in the District is the District Land Tribunal (DLT), after which cases can be taken to the High Court in Kampala.
The District Land Tribunal was hardly functional at the time of the research (it now meets three times a month), and the parish and sub-county executive committees have not been equipped to deal with land disputes.
If there is no resolution to the grievance, the GRC at the district and the PAP shall then refer the matter to the District Land Tribunal for land-related issues and to USEEP head office for all other grievances.
Land demarcation and titling is not seen as an op- tion for tenure security by many of the Acholi people, and any efforts to survey and register land are regarded skeptically by IDPs;• The present system of District Land Tribunal and Land Boards is unable to deal adequately with its present work load.
Assistant Commissioner of District Land Tribunal (1) A District Land Tribunal shall have an Assistant Commisioner who shall be a person qualified to be anadvocate of the Courts of Judicature.