Divestitures definition
Examples of Divestitures in a sentence
Service Provider will accommodate Service Receiver’s inorganic (Mergers, Acquisitions, and Divestitures) activities on a time and materials basis with respect to the one-time set-up fees.
The Player Agent will schedule volunteers to support the assessments.
Divestitures include sales of insignificant portions of our business that did not meet the criteria for classification as a discontinued operation.
HOSSM is under a 10-year deferred rebasing period for years 2017-2026, as approved in the OEB Mergers Acquisitions Amalgamations and Divestitures (MAAD) decision dated October 13, 2016.
Divestitures include sales of portions of our business that did not meet the criteria for classification as a discontinued operation or insignificant portions of our business that we did not classify as a discontinued operation.