Durable power of attorney definition
Examples of Durable power of attorney in a sentence
In Iowa, legally authorized representatives include: Substitute medical decision-making board [Iowa Code 135.29]; guardian for minor or person with impaired decision-making capacity [Iowa Code 633.562, 633.552]; attorney-in-fact, guardian, spouse, adult child, parent, adult sibling [641 Iowa Admin Code 857, Durable power of attorney for health care , Iowa Code 144B.2, 144B.3, 144.B.5].
Some advance directives include:• Durable power of attorney for health care• Durable power of attorney for property• Power of attorney for case/care management.Advance directives could also be used to assist the individual in decision-making in education, health care surrogacy, representative or substitute payee, trusts, or joint checking accounts.You might also consider community services or advocacy systems to provide the support your child might need to live as independently as possible.
Durable power of attorney for property, durable power of attorney for healthcare, durable power of attorney for advocacy, living will/healthcare directive, a trust, joint property ownership, joint bank account, state programs, and representative payee ship are alternatives.
Durable power of attorney not affected by disability or incapacity(REPEALED)SECTION HISTORYPL 1979, c.
Durable power of attorney for health care: a survey of senior center of advance directives.