EARF definition
EARF means the environmental assessment and review framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Borrower and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;
EARF means the environmental assessment and review framework for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by the Beneficiary and cleared by ADB;
EARF means the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework prepared in accordance with ADB’s Environment Policy (2002) and attached to Schedule 5 to the FFA;
Examples of EARF in a sentence
If a subproject involves an upgrade or expansion of existing facilities that has potential impacts on the environment, the requirements for environmental assessments and planning specified in the EARF will apply in addition to compliance audit.
In general, criteria that can trigger subproject’s ‘Category A’ are discussed in Section II of the EARF.
PO (Environment) will have overall responsibility in implementation of the investment program as per the Environmental Assessment & Review Framework (EARF) agreed between ADB and the government.
All environmental assessment is required to follow the procedures outlined in this EARF.
This environmental monitoring report follows the outline provided in the EARF for the project.
More Definitions of EARF
EARF means the environmental assessment and review framework for the Investment Program, including any update thereto, agreed between the Recipient and ADB and incorporated by reference in the FFA;
EARF means the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework referred to in Schedule 5 to the FFA;
EARF means environmental assessment and review framework;
EARF means the Environmental Assessment and Review Framework prepared in accordance with ADB’s Environment Policy, 2002;
EARF or “Environmental Assessment and Review Framework” means the environmental assessment and review framework for the Project, including any update thereto, prepared and submitted by the Borrower through the EA, and cleared by ADB;
EARF means the environmental assessment and review framework for the Project dated 16 March 2010 prepared by the Borrower, and approved by ADB;
EARF means the environmental assessment and review framework prepared for the Investment Program and incorporated by reference in the FFA;