Earning Well definition

Earning Well means the Test Well and the Option Well(s), as the case may be;
Earning Well means the well to be drilled at 14 of 9-38-9-W5M. “Farmin Interest” means two percent (2.000%) Farmin cost interest Farmee has agreed to pay with respect to the drilling of the Earning Well. “Farmout Lands” means the lands and leases more particularly described in Schedule “A” attached hereto.
Earning Well means any Well in which Epsilon earns an Earned Interest under this Agreement;

Examples of Earning Well in a sentence

  • The Operator has arranged blow out insurance with respect to the Earning Well and has included the Farmor and Farmee in the coverage.

  • Newfield will also assign to Apache a five percent of six-sixths (5.0% of 6/6ths) ORRI in the Newfield Acreage from the surface down to a total depth drilled in the Earning Well and its stratigraphic equivalent plus one hundred (100) feet.

  • The Farmee agrees to participate and pay for its Farmin Interest share of the costs of drilling the Earning Well to Contract Depth and, subject to the provisions herein set forth, its Farmin Interest share of the costs of the Completion, Capping or Abandonment of the Earning Well.

  • During that period of time prior to Pinnacle's election to participate Encal shall assist Pinnacle in the review of the Additional Earning Well.

  • In the event that Pinnacle fails to elect to participate in the Additional Earning Well within the prescribed time, it shall be conclusively be deemed to be an election not to participate in such Additional Earning Well.

More Definitions of Earning Well

Earning Well means a Well which FARMEE has determined to be capable of producing hydrocarbons in commercial quantities.
Earning Well means a well drilled, completed or abandoned pursuant to Clauses 12(b) or 13(b) as the context requires and where such well is drilled pursuant to a Farmin Agreement or and Additional Farmin Agreement and where such well earns from a third party an interest in Petroleum and Natural Gas Rights;
Earning Well means the well to be drilled at 14 of 9-38-9-W5M.
Earning Well means the new well designated and described in, and to be drilled under, the Farmout Agreement;
Earning Well means any Commitment Well or Option Well drilled pursuant to this Agreement;
Earning Well means any well drilled under the terms and conditions of this Agreement by which Farmee is entitled to receive an assignment.
Earning Well means one of the 15 xxxxx which K2 is obligated to drill pursuant to paragraph 6 of the Blackfeet-K2 EDA.