Earning Well definition
Examples of Earning Well in a sentence
The Operator has arranged blow out insurance with respect to the Earning Well and has included the Farmor and Farmee in the coverage.
Newfield will also assign to Apache a five percent of six-sixths (5.0% of 6/6ths) ORRI in the Newfield Acreage from the surface down to a total depth drilled in the Earning Well and its stratigraphic equivalent plus one hundred (100) feet.
The Farmee agrees to participate and pay for its Farmin Interest share of the costs of drilling the Earning Well to Contract Depth and, subject to the provisions herein set forth, its Farmin Interest share of the costs of the Completion, Capping or Abandonment of the Earning Well.
During that period of time prior to Pinnacle's election to participate Encal shall assist Pinnacle in the review of the Additional Earning Well.
In the event that Pinnacle fails to elect to participate in the Additional Earning Well within the prescribed time, it shall be conclusively be deemed to be an election not to participate in such Additional Earning Well.