Gas Year definition
Gas Year means the period of 365 or 366 Gas Days, as the case may be, beginning at October 1st at 06:00 hours (Belgian time) and ending at September 30th 06:00 hours (Belgian time) of the next year.
Gas Year means the period from 1 October in any year until and including 30 September in the following year;
Gas Year means the period beginning on 1 October of any year and ending on 1 October of the immediately following year;
Examples of Gas Year in a sentence
Except as otherwise provided in section 61 above, each Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience with effect from the end of any given Gas Year by giving at least 6 months' prior notice.
More Definitions of Gas Year
Gas Year means a period of time beginning at eight hours (08:00) Mountain Standard Time on the first day of November in any year and ending at eight hours (08:00) Mountain Standard Time on the first day of November of the next year.
Gas Year means the period between 1 October, 0600 hours of one calendar year and 1 October, 0600 hours of the following calendar year.
Gas Year means the period commencing at 06:00 hours on 1 October of each calen- dar year and ending at 06:00 hours on 1 October of the following calendar year.
Gas Year means the period of time beginning at 05:00 hours from 1 October of any year to 05:00 hours on 1 October of the next succeeding calendar year;
Gas Year means the period commencing at 06:00 hours on 1 October of each calendar year and ending at 06:00 hours on 1 October of the following calendar year.
Gas Year means a period beginning on 1 October at 5:00 UTC of each year and ending on 1 October at 5:00 UTC of the following year in the winter time, from 4:00 to 4:00 UTC when daylight saving is applied.
Gas Year or “Contract Year” means the period commencing on 1st October (at 07:00) and ending on the subsequent 1st October (at 07:00) in the following calendar year. Especially, the first Contract Year and the last Contract Year have the meaning defined in clause [1.1] of the TUA.