Examples of Edge corporation in a sentence
The staff report shall conclude whether the application complies with all applicable standards of this Ordinance and recommend one of the decisions authorized for the particular type of application, based on the review standards applicable to the application type, as set forth in Section 2.5, Application-Specific Review Procedures.
With the prior approval of the Board, a member bank or bank holding company may invest in a federally or state-chartered corporation that has entered into an agreement or under- taking with the Board that it will not exercise any power that is impermis- sible for an Edge corporation under this subpart.(2) Factors considered by Board.
Each Edge corporation and each agreement corporation shall, in accord- ance with the provisions of § 208.63 of the Board’s Regulation H, 12 CFR 208.63, develop and provide for the con- tinued administration of a program reasonably designed to assure and mon- itor compliance with the provisions of subchapter II of chapter 53 of title 31, United States Code, the Bank Secrecy Act, and the implementing regulations promulgated thereunder by the Depart- ment of the Treasury at 31 CFR part103.
A foreign bank (as defined in section 1(b)(7) of the International Banking Act of 1978), that: (i) operates a branch, agency, or commercial lending company subsidiary in the United States; (ii) controls a bank in the United States; or (iii) controls an Edge corporation acquired after March 5, 1987; and (2) any company of which the foreign bank is a subsidiary.
Examiners ap- pointed by the Board shall examine each Edge corporation once a year.
In reviewing a notice filed under this paragraph (e), the Board shall consider the factors set forth in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, and may disapprove a notice or impose any conditions that it finds necessary to assure the safe and sound operation of the Edge corporation, to assure the international character of its oper- ation, and to prevent adverse effects, such as decreased or unfair competi- tion, conflicts of interest, or undue concentration of resources.
To re- quire submission and publication of re- ports by an Edge corporation under section 25A of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 625).(3) Capital stock of Edge corporation; articles of association; additional invest- ments in Agreement corporation.
Unexercised authority to commence business as an Edge corporation shall expire one year after issuance of the permit, unless the Board extends the period.
To require submission of a report of condition respecting any for- eign bank in which a member bank holds stock acquired under § 211.5(b) of Regulation K (12 CFR part 211) and sec- tion 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (12U.S.C. 602).(2) Edge corporation reports.
After the Board issues a permit, the Edge corporation may elect officers and otherwise complete its organiza- tion, invest in obligations of the U.S. government, and maintain deposits with depository institutions, but it may not exercise any other powers until at least 25 percent of the author- ized capital stock specified in the arti- cles of association has been paid in cash, and each shareholder has paid in cash at least 25 percent of that share- holder’s stock subscription.