Examples of Educational outcomes in a sentence
Educational outcomes for children in care: Linking 2013 child protection and NAPLAN data.
Educational outcomes included Standardised Assessment Test results at 7 and 11 years and Special Educational Needs status at age 11.
Educational outcomes in extremely preterm children: neuropsychological correlates and predictors of attainment.
Educational outcomes of the teaching/learning process are best achieved when learners are active participants and teachers are role models and facilitators.
Wherever and to the extent possible, the findings and recommendations of the review will be linked clearly and specifically to Chapter 23 of the Acquis, the National Judicial Reform Strategy 2013-2018 and the Country Partnership Strategy for the Period 2012-2015.
Moving forward: Educational outcomes for Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) exiting foster care in the United States.
The report shall include, but is not limited to:24 (1) Information regarding the finances of the educational25 assistance organizations; and26 (2) Educational outcomes of qualified students.27 6.
Educational outcomes are worsened by poverty, child and adolescent marriage, adolescent pregnancy, and inequitable gender norms that underpin these issues.
Educational outcomes such as enrollment, retention and completion are severely impacted by unintended pregnancies, STIs and HIV/AIDS - negative reproductive health outcomes resulting from these relationships.
Educational outcomes need to improve across the board, as well as the provision of upskilling and reskilling measures.