Examples of Medical physicist in a sentence
The Executive and Service Managers shall meet with APEX Medical Physicists delegates at least quarterly to review the department’s current Medical Physicist staffing against complement, identify any resignations or long-term departures (e.g. due to parental leave), and update on recruitment activities to fill existing vacancies or approved/planned new positions.
The parties will jointly develop a merit progression framework for the Medical Physicist for implementation during the term of this settlement.
Allowance Type Functional Medical Physics Higher Education Pay rate at 9/6/22 1.79% from 05/01/2023 1% from 08/06/2023 1.74% from 07/12/2023 1.5% from 06/06/2024 2.44% from 05/12/2024 1% from 05/06/2025 1.93% from 04/12/2025 Classification Medical Physics Employee Type Health Professional Description An employee who is employed as a Medical Physicist.
An employee will be eligible for payment of the higher qualification allowance if they: are performing the duties of a position classified as Medical Physics Specialist, Senior Medical Physicist Specialist, Principal Medical Physics Specialist or Chief Medical Physicist; are being paid at the top increment for that classification; and hold a degree in a mathematical, physical science or engineering discipline that has an academic equivalent to level 10 on the Australian Qualifications Framework.
Progression Committee A committee consisting of three Chief or Principal Medical Physics Specialists, one of which shall be the Chief Medical Physicist (Canberra Health Services), shall be constituted to consider and, if appropriate, recommend: the preparedness of a Medical Physics Specialist for promotion to Senior Medical Physics Specialist; the preparedness of a Senior Medical Physics Specialist for promotion to Principal Medical Physics Specialist.