Elderly person definition
Examples of Elderly person in a sentence
Elderly person" means an aged individual as defined in section 1614, Title XVI of the United States Social Security Act, as amended.
The applications are prioritized as required by 10 CFR 440.16 "Minimum Program Requirements": Elderly person (s), Disabled person (s), Dependent child(ren) in the home, high energy burden households, high energy user households.
It may include two or more elderly, disabled, or handicapped persons living together, or one or more of those persons living with one or more live-in aides.• Elderly person.
The number of shares constituting the Series C Preferred is hereby fixed at Six Million (6,000,000).
The proposed definition of elderly housing references the definition of elderly person and elderly family in the Code of Federal Regulations, as follows: Elderly person means a household composed of one or more persons at least one of whom is 62 years or more at the time of initial occupancy Elderly family means:1.