Electric interlocal entity definition

Electric interlocal entity means an interlocal entity described in Subsection 11-13-203(3).
Electric interlocal entity. [has the same meaning as] means the same as that
Electric interlocal entity means the same as that term is defined in Section 11-13-103.

More Definitions of Electric interlocal entity

Electric interlocal entity means an interlocal entity described in Subsection 16511-13-203(3).
Electric interlocal entity means an interlocal entity described in Subsection 17111-13-203(3).
Electric interlocal entity means an interlocal entity described in Subsection 17711-13-203(3).
Electric interlocal entity means an interlocal entity defined in Section 11-13-103. 658 (6) "Generation facility" is as defined in Section 54-2-1.

Related to Electric interlocal entity

  • Tribal Entity means a federally-recognized tribal entity performing tribal governmental functions and eligible for funding and services from the U.S. Department of Interior by virtue of its status as an Indian tribe.

  • Electric personal assistive mobility device means a self-balancing two-nontandem-wheeled device