Examples of Electricity Department in a sentence
The connections to various parts of earth resistance of the lightening conductor terminal on the building to the earth shall be tested at least once in every year by a qualified electrical engineer or any other competent person holding a certificate of competency in this behalf from the State Electricity Department.
The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity Department for the cost of power consumed by him.
Before he commences his work on contract display and correctly maintain and continue to display and correctly maintain, in a clean and legible condition, in conspicuous places on the work, notices in English and in the local Indian language spoken by the majority of the workers, giving the rate of wage prescribed by the State Public Works Department / Electricity Department for the district in which the work is done.
Separate power connection with 50-55 KVA power as decided by the Bank is to be arranged at the Branch premises by making necessary deposits to the Electricity Department.
Licensee will also pay the water charges as fixed by the Director Transport, UT., Chandigarh and also liable to pay any enhancement in the tariff by Electricity Department/ Municipal Corporation /CTU during the currency of contract.
The contractor should have full knowledge of Electricity Department Rules and work accordingly.
The security deposited by the licensee with the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking shall be released after producing the “No Due Certification” (NDC) from the Electricity Department/ CTU in respect of payment of electricity bills/ water charges bill of the allotted premises.
Separate power connectionwith 40 KVA power is to be arranged at the Branch/Office premises by making necessary deposits to the Electricity Department.
Before he commence the work on contract display and correctly maintain and continue to display and correctly maintain in a clean and legible condition, in conspicuous place on the work, notices in English and in the local Indian language spoken by the majority of the workers, giving the rate of wage prescribed by the State Public Works Department / Electricity Department for the district where the work is done.
The contractor will pay the bills of Electricity Department for the cost of power consumed by him till the (Name of work) is handed over to ICAR-RCER.12.2 The contractor shall satisfy all the conditions and rules required as per Indian Electricity Act 1910 and under Rule-45(I) of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 as amended from time to time and other pertinent rules.