Electronic message definition
Electronic message means a communication transmitted electronically, including:
Electronic message refers to a message transmitted by the Bank or the Customer via computers and the Internet. 三、「數位簽章」(Digital Signature):除法律另有規定外,指銀行及立約人將傳送電子訊息所附經雙方認同之電子識別碼或符號視為當事人一方之簽名,用以確認訊息發送者之身分。
Electronic message means a self-contained piece of digital communication that is designed or intended to be transmitted between physical devices. The term includes electronic mail, a text message, an instant message, a command or request to access a worldwide web page, or other data that uses a commonly recognized electronic communications protocol. The term does not include:
Examples of Electronic message in a sentence
Electronic message boards, arrow boards, temporary tape pavement markings and tubular markers shall be paid for as separate bid items.
Electronic message size is limited to 25% of maximum sign area in zone where sign is to be located.
Electronic message display signs shall be permitted to change their message no more than once every thirty (30) seconds.
Electronic message display signs shall be operated in static display mode only except for transitions between messages which shall be instantaneous.
Electronic message signs in windows and externally visible; [Ord.
More Definitions of Electronic message
Electronic message means a record or display that is stored, generated, or transmitted by
Electronic message means a message sent by any means of telecommunication, including a text, sound, voice or image message;
Electronic message means a record or display that is stored, generated, or transmitted by electronic means for the purpose of communication to another person or electronic agent.
Electronic message means a self-contained piece of digital communication that is designed or intended to be transmitted between physical devices. “Electronic message” includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, a text message, an instant message, or a command or request to access an internet site.
Electronic message means an information generated, sent, received or stored by an electronic means;
Electronic message means the message transmitted by the Bank or the Customer via the PC and internet.
Electronic message means a communication transmitted electronically,