Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements definition

Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements. Refer to Section F, Paragraph 5 in Attachment AScope of Services.

Examples of Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements in a sentence

  • FORM 1295, Completion Instructions, and Login Instructions are available via the Texas Ethics Commission Website at: https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/whatsnew/elf_info_form1295.htm1.15 Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements In the event of an emergency or if Jefferson County is declared a disaster area, by the County, State, or Federal Government, a contract (executed in response to this Request for Proposal) may be subjected to unusual usage.

  • Additional information on this reporting requirement can be found at the California Employment Development Department web site located at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/Employer_Services.htm Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements: In the event of an emergency or if Orange County is declared a disaster area by the County, state or federal government, this Contract may be subjected to unusual usage.

  • Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements: In the event of an emergency or if Orange County is declared a disaster area by the County, state or federal government, this Contract may be subjected to unusual usage.

  • The voting rights attaching to each Share are such proportion of the voting rights attached to all the Shares in issue that the price of the Share bears to the aggregate price(s) of all the Shares in issue at a date to be determined by the ACD and stated in the notice of the meeting which is a reasonable time before the notice of meeting was sent out.

Related to Emergency/Declared Disaster Requirements

  • Emergency call means a telephone request or text message request for service which requires immediate action to prevent loss of life, reduce bodily injury, prevent or reduce loss of property and respond to other emergency situations determined by local policy.

  • Emergency work means any urgent measures which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge become necessary during the progress of the work to obviate any risk of accident or failure or which become necessary for security.

  • Emergency worker means any person who is registered with a local emergency management organization or the department and holds an identification card issued by the local emergency management director or the department for the purpose of engaging in authorized emergency management activities or is an employee of the state of Washington or any political subdivision thereof who is called upon to perform emergency management activities.

  • Emergency Situations Fire, any other casualty, or any other events, circumstances or conditions which threaten the safety or physical well-being of the Facility's guests or employees or which involve the risk of material property damage or material loss to the Facility.

  • Emergency vehicle means emergency vehicles of municipal, township or county departments or public utility corporations when identified as such as required by law, the Ohio Director of Public Safety or local authorities, and motor vehicles when commandeered by a police officer. (ORC 4511.01(D))

  • Emergency Load Response Program means the program by which Curtailment Service Providers may be compensated by PJM for Demand Resources that will reduce load when dispatched by PJM during emergency conditions, and is described in Operating Agreement, Schedule 1, section 8 and the parallel provisions of Tariff, Attachment K-Appendix, section 8.

  • Emergency Situation means a situation in which an individual is experiencing a serious mental illness or a developmental disability, or a minor is experiencing a serious emotional disturbance, and 1 of the following applies:

  • Emergency exit means an emergency door, emergency window or escape hatch.

  • Emergency Energy means energy supplied from Operating Reserve or electrical generation available for sale in New York or PJM or available from another Balancing Authority Area. Emergency Energy may be provided in cases of sudden and unforeseen outages of generating units, transmission lines or other equipment, or to meet other sudden and unforeseen circumstances such as forecast errors, or to provide sufficient Operating Reserve. Emergency Energy is provided pursuant to this Agreement and the Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement dated May 1, 2000 and priced according to Section 35.6.4 of this Agreement and said Inter Control Area Transactions Agreement.

  • Emergency expulsion means the removal of a student from school because the student’s statements or behavior pose an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel, or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process, subject to the requirements in WAC 392-400-510 through 392-400-530

  • Emergency Event means any situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseen natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, fire, or other acts of God, or other unforeseen events beyond the control of drayage truck owners and operators that threatens public health and safety or the reasonable flow of goods movement.

  • Emergency generator means any generator of which the sole function is to provide emergency backup power during an interruption of electrical power from the electric utility. An emergency generator does not include:

  • PJM Region Reliability Requirement means, for purposes of the Base Residual Auction, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the Preliminary PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all Preliminary Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region; and, for purposes of the Incremental Auctions, the Forecast Pool Requirement multiplied by the updated PJM Region Peak Load Forecast, less the sum of all updated Unforced Capacity Obligations of FRR Entities in the PJM Region.

  • Emergency shelter means a facility that provides a

  • Emergency Condition means a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Interconnection Facilities or the electric systems of others to which the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System is directly connected; or (3) that, in the case of the Interconnection Customer, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Small Generating Facility or the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. Under Emergency Conditions, the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner may immediately suspend interconnection service and temporarily disconnect the Small Generating Facility. The NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner shall notify the Interconnection Customer promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the Interconnection Customer’s operation of the Small Generating Facility. The Interconnection Customer shall notify the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner promptly when it becomes aware of an Emergency Condition that may reasonably be expected to affect the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System or any Affected Systems. To the extent information is known, the notification shall describe the Emergency Condition, the extent of the damage or deficiency, the expected effect on the operation of each Party’s facilities and operations, its anticipated duration, and the necessary corrective action.

  • Explosives or munitions emergency response specialist means an individual trained in chemical or conventional munitions or explosives handling, transportation, render-safe procedures, or destruction techniques. Explosives or munitions emergency response specialists include Department of Defense (DOD) emergency explosive ordnance disposal (EOD), technical escort unit (TEU), and DOD-certified civilian or contractor personnel; and other Federal, State, or local government, or civilian personnel similarly trained in explosives or munitions emergency responses.

  • National Emergency Number Association (“NENA”) is an association with a mission to xxxxxx the technological advancement, availability and implementation of 911 nationwide.

  • System Emergency has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • Emergency Repairs means repairs to a utility facility located in or adjacent to a primary city street that must be performed immediately when the necessity arises to safeguard life or property or maintain continued operation of the facility.

  • Emergency medical condition means a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of recent onset and sufficient severity (including severe pain), such that a prudent layperson, who possesses an average knowledge of health and medicine, could reasonably expect the absence of immediate medical care could result in:

  • Emergency Works means any urgent measures which in the opinion of the Engineer-in- Charge, become necessary during the progress of the work to obviate any risk of accident or failure which become necessary for security.

  • Emergency responder means an individual who is required to possess a license, certificate, permit, or other official recognition for his or her expertise in a particular field or area of knowledge and whose assistance is utilized or is desirable during an emergency. Emergency responder includes, but is not limited to, emergency medical services personnel; physicians; nurses; mental health, veterinary, or other public health practitioners; emergency management personnel; public works personnel; and firefighters, including firefighters trained in the areas of hazardous materials, specialized rescue, extrication, water rescue, or other specialized area. Emergency responder does not include law enforcement officers or other law enforcement personnel.

  • Emergency Medical Event means an event wherein an Insured Person’s medical condition and situation are such that, in the opinion of the Company’s affiliate or authorized vendor and the Insured Person’s treating physician, the Insured Person requires urgent medical attention without which there would be a significant risk of death, or serious impairment and adequate medical treatment is not available at the Insured Person’s initial medical facility.

  • Explosives or munitions emergency response means all immediate response activities by an explosives and munitions emergency response specialist to control, mitigate, or eliminate the actual or potential threat encountered during an explosives or munitions emergency. An explosives or munitions emergency response may include in-place render-safe procedures, treatment or destruction of the explosives or munitions and/or transporting those items to another location to be rendered safe, treated, or destroyed. Any reasonable delay in the completion of an explosives or munitions emergency response caused by a necessary, unforeseen, or uncontrollable circumstance will not terminate the explosives or munitions emergency. Explosives and munitions emergency responses can occur on either public or private lands and are not limited to responses at RCRA facilities.

  • Emergency service provider means a uniformed or otherwise identified employee or contractor of a fire department, hospital, or police station when that individual is inside the premises and on duty. Emergency service provider also includes a paramedic or an emergency medical technician when either of those individuals is responding to a 9-1-1 emergency call.

  • Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.