Examples of Employee numbers in a sentence
Employee numbers are a combination of Delphi Medical Limited and Delphi Medical Consultants Limited.
Employee numbers will be based on the number of employees employed as at 17 January 2013 (School Census Day).
Employee numbers will be assigned by using the last four digits of your SIN during the hiring process for the purposes of this clause.
Employee numbers (68 frequencies) According to the HR heads interviewed, the growth of the Indian software and services exports over the 2002-04 period, created a major need for manpower.
Employee numbers are constantly increasing as a result of the opening of new hypermarkets, which are expected to create 12,000 new job opportunities outside the UK.
Employee numbers at the airline stand at around 42,500 and Emirates plans to recruit more than 4,000 workers this year.
Annex 5 Structure of Strategic HRM Plan Suggested personnel data • Employee numbers (by organisational units, number of envisaged employees vs.
Employee Entitlements 2002 $'000Provision for employee entitlements: Current (note 14)2,758Non current (note 17)596 3,354 Employee numbers Number2002Average number of employees during the financial period298 298OptionsDuring the period 4,350,000 options were granted under the Transurban Executive Options Plan to executives and the executive directors of the Transurban Group.
Employee numbers The average monthly number of employees are shown on a full-time equivalent basis, excluding employees of associated and joint venture undertakings and including executive directors.
Employee numbers 2017 2016 NumberNumberNumbers employed at 31 March454486 2017Number 2016NumberThe monthly average number of people employed by the Company during the year459487 2017£m 2016£mDirectors remuneration0.30.3 The aggregate of remuneration and amounts receivable under long term incentive schemes of the highest paid director was£0.3m (2016: £0.3m).