Examples of Ending fund balance in a sentence
Ending fund balance (amount at the end of the fiscal year that will be the starting balance for the next fiscal year)Fee Fund Balance Guidelines Purpose: The Board has established these guidelines to ensure that the agency maintain a sufficient balance in the fee fund to ensure continuous operation of the agency if there was a decrease in revenue or an emergency in which all equipment, furniture, supplies, office space, etc.
General Fund in the amount of $711,187.77 Ending fund balance : $1,923,489.94 2.
Ending fund balance (or working capital in the enterprise funds) must meet minimum policy levels.
Ending fund balance reserve is considered working capital of the General Fund.
Liquid Fuels Fund in the amount of $41,615.85 Ending fund balance : $159,354.88 6.
Ending fund balance may be used to cover cash flow needs caused by the ad valorem tax cycle which results in the traditional “W” cash flow sequence.
Park Fund in the amount of $0.00 Ending fund balance : $185,096.59 7.
Ending fund balance for the vehicle replacement fund is $1,367,685.Major items proposed in 2021-2022 Budget Capital Improvement Plan update (existing and new projects) 1.
Ending fund balance for 2019‐2020 is projected to be approximately $5.4 million.
Explanation of Differences Between Governmental Fund Balances and District Wide Net Assets Ending fund balance reported on Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds (Exhibit 3)$ 9,313,962 Capital assets net of related depreciation 45,201,010Net pension asset1,559,380Deferred outflows:Pensions - TRS 8,263,235Pensions - ERS666,438OPEB (GASB 75)16,467,959Defeasance loss6,750 Ending net position reported on Statement of Net Position (Exhibit 1) $ (103,307,930) B.