Examples of Energy Independence Act in a sentence
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) was directed in 2019 to update the State Energy Strategy, and to align the strategy with the requirements of the Energy Independence Act, the Clean Energy Transformation Act, and the state's greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.
The Program is a utility offering that encourages certain of CL&P’s eligible customers (as defined herein) to permit CL&P (via the AER DLCS) to control customer end-use equipment (e.g., central air conditioning) in order to advance the goals of the Energy Independence Act (i.e., a reduction in FMCCs by lowering Connecticut’s peak demand).
AER acknowledges and agrees that it is securing Customers for participation in the Program as a CL&P contractor that is providing certain services that will enable implementing the Program in accordance with the directives of the DPUC and in furtherance of the Program’s objectives as may be expressed by the DPUC from time to time and as are set forth in the Energy Independence Act.
For assignments that are longer than one year, NYSERDA will provide up to an 3% annual escalation on the agreed upon hourly rate for the Contractor’s Employee on the TWO anniversary.
Contracts for Differences (CfDs)Pursuant to Connecticut’s 2005 Energy Independence Act, the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) solicited bids to create new or incremental capacity resources in order to reduce federally mandated congestion charges, and selected four new capacity resources.
Investment credits provided a 30% credit on the costs of constructing an AD.• State and federal grant programs.• Limited property and leasehold excise tax exemptions and this sales and use tax exemption.Dairies earned income from utilities, businesses, and other entities between 2001 and 2012:• Contracts with electric utilities to purchase electricity produced by the ADs. Utilities actively sought contracts with dairies after voters passed Washington's Energy Independence Act (I-937) in 2006.
The passage of House Bill 1010 and Initiative 937 in 2006 brought new chapters to th of the state of Washington with the establishment of the Energy Independence Act.
As such, Grant County PUD is a significant contributor to the gener capacity of the state and must comply with thites$nedwrlaBw ®an$d dRdzΛ6 zBΛŁ® Energy Independence Act.
Derivatives Pursuant to Connecticut’s 2005 Energy Independence Act, PURA solicited bids to create new or incremental capacity resources in order to reduce federally mandated congestion charges, and selected four new capacity resources.
These include, for example, the tax credits provided for in Kentucky’s Incentives for Energy Independence Act.