Entertainment event definition

Entertainment event means events (e.g., lunches, dinners, golf outings, cocktail parties and regular season sporting events) with Organizations that are not primarily intended for the purpose of conducting Adviser business. Entertainment Event does not include, for example, meals incidental to a research conference.
Entertainment event means a per- formance, recreation, amusement, diversion, spectacle, show or similar event including, but not limited to, a theatrical or musical performance, concert, film, game, ride or sporting event.
Entertainment event means any form of circus or carnival, stage play, variety show, concert, magic, puppet or mime show, pageant, musical or similar type of public entertainment program other than boxing combative sports, wrestling, racing and outdoor music festivals.

Examples of Entertainment event in a sentence

  • All Gifts and Entertainment received by an Employee must be reported through the automated pre-clearance system within thirty (30) calendar days after the receipt of the Gift or the attendance of the Entertainment event.

  • Employees may provide or accept a business Entertainment event, provided that the Entertainment is of reasonable value.

  • All Gifts and Entertainment received by an Employee must be reported through the automated review system within 30 calendar days after the receipt of the Gift or the attendance of the Entertainment event.

  • All Gifts and Entertainment received by an Employee must be reported through the automated review system within thirty (30) calendar days after the receipt of the Gift or the attendance of the Entertainment event.

  • Limit - Travel should generally not be provided to third parties unless an employee is at a business meeting, Meal, or Entertainment event with a Business Partner who is not associated with an ERISA Plan, Union Plan, labor union, or a Public Official, and the employee pays for local transportation related to the meeting or event.

More Definitions of Entertainment event

Entertainment event means any performance of music, comedy, dance, film, lecture or theater, or exhibition of art, for which an admission price is charged;
Entertainment event means forms of entertainment including, but not limited to, theatrical or operatic performances, concerts, and professional athletic competitions including football, basketball, baseball, boxing, tennis, hockey, and any other professional sport. The term does not apply to entertainment that’s primary purpose is not a performance or sporting event on a specific date at a specific time.
Entertainment event means an organized event having as its primary purpose the entertainment or amusement of a group of people, including but not limited to parades, carnivals, fairs, concerts, block parties or neighborhood gatherings, on public or private property within the unincorporated Cache County.
Entertainment event means any performance, recreational or amusement activity, show or similar event including, but not limited to, a theatrical or music performance, concert, film, or ride;[definition of "entertainment event" inserted by section 2(a) of Government Notice 943 of 2020]
Entertainment event means an organized event having as its primary purpose the entertainment or amusement of a group of people, including but not limited to parades, carnivals, fairs, concerts, block parties or neighborhood gatherings where attendance exceeds 100 people, or which is held on public property in Hyde Park City.
Entertainment event means any event for which per- sons pay money in order to be admitted to the premises and to be entertained, including but not limited to, thea- tres, concerts and sporting events.
Entertainment event means any paid or ticketed single event featuring concerts, theatrical events, non-team sporting events and exhibitions (e.g., boxing, wrestling, UFC and other mixed martial arts, figure skating and motocross events, tournaments and exhibitions), franchise sports and e-sports events and tournaments; and