Examples of Entrusted Loans in a sentence
Therefore, the transactions involved in the Supply and Entrusted Loans Agreement between Dongfeng Motor Group and Dongfeng Nissan Financial Leasing is the continuing related party transactions of the Company.
ADB loan proceeds will initially be draw- down from the imprest (special) account to the Dedicated CNY account for financing (i) Entrusted Loans, and (ii) Cash Collateral to support the Guarantees.
For the purpose of our audit, we were unable to obtain necessary audit evidence of the Entrusted Loans, including but not limited to the relevant contracts, internal records and board resolution of approval for the Entrusted Loans.
Granting of the Entrusted Loan(s) under the Entrusted Loan Agreement constitutes provision of financial assistance by the Company to a connected person, and therefore constitutes a continuing connected transaction under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules.
Accordingly, we were unable to verify the funds flow between the Group, the parties involved in the Entrusted Loans, including the explanation and approval of the payments and its related settlements.