Examples of EO Act in a sentence
How to use the exceptions in the EO Act has detailed information.
Key tip 1:Consider whether a policy, practice or procedure may impact adversely on clients with characteristics protected under the EO Act which are; age, breastfeeding, family responsibilities, family status, gender history, impairment, marital status, political conviction, pregnancy, race, religious conviction, sex or sexual orientation or a combination of these.
The definition of ‘disability’ in the EO Act includes ‘the presence in the body of organisms that may cause disease’.
It is also discrimination not to accommodate responsibilities of a parent or carer, which employers must not unreasonably refuse in accordance with s 19 of the EO Act.
Existing provisions also continue to limit access to the presumptive right to those persons that have served for a qualifying period of 10 years and recognition of only cancer diagnoses which occurred on or after 1 June 2016.‘Sex’ and ‘sex characteristics’ are both identified as an attribute within section 6 of the EO Act.
This agreement is intended to constitute an Early Arrangement under section 19(5) of the EO Act.
These provisions reduce any indirect discriminatory limitation in access to the presumptive rights scheme based on the sex and sex characteristics of the firefighter, volunteer firefighter or other eligible person.These provisions limit the ability of certain firefighters and staff from accessing the rebuttable presumptive right to compensation by virtue of employment defined by the EO Act.
The proposed amendments to the FPRC Act and Forests Act create provisions that confer an additional benefit on eligible persons on the basis of certain characteristics of their employment or service, including the nature of their employment as a firefighter, volunteer firefighter or other eligible person and the duration of their service, where they are diagnosed with primary site cervical, uterine or ovarian cancer.‘Disability’ is identified as an attribute within section 6 of the EO Act.
The EO Act allows agencies to make employment decisions on the grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation, disability and age to achieve equality and improve representation in employment.
Instead, the obligation imposed by the EO Act on a provider of services or accommodation is to ensure that, in the course of conducting the business of providing services or accommodation, there is no refusal on a prohibited ground.142 On this view, it does not matter how or why it comes about that a prohibited refusal occurs.