Examples of Estuary in a sentence
Because within the Snohomish, Skykomish, and Snoqualmie rivers, 33% of riverbanks are diked, bermed, or armored and within the Snohomish Estuary, 40-66% is diked or armored.
Reference to "policy numbers" refers to Plan Policies set forth in the Coos Bay Estuary Management Plan.
Recipient shall maintain its books and records for the purpose of audit in accordance with the requirements of Attachment D, National Estuary Grant Program Requirements.
Disposal shall be limited to dredged material determined to be suitable for unconfined disposal from the Chetco Estuary and River and adjacent areas.
D-1641 implements flow objectives for the Bay-Delta Estuary, approves a petition to change points of diversion of the Central Valley Project and the State Water Project in the Southern Delta, and approves a petition to change places of use and purposes of use of the Central Valley Project.