Submerged lands definition

Submerged lands means those lands which are inundated by water on a seasonal or more frequent basis.
Submerged lands means land at or below the ordinary high water mark.
Submerged lands means lands below the natural boundary as defined in the Land Act; “Subsurface Resources” include the following:

Examples of Submerged lands in a sentence

  • Submerged lands shall be defined as lands which lie below the line of mean low tide.

  • Submerged lands were transferred to the California Land Commission with an agreement for Benicia to operate a deep-water port, now AMPORTS, which was leased to Benicia Industries in 1966.

  • Submerged lands include, but are not limited to, lands waterward of the mean high water line or located beneath a freshwater body of water such as a lake or pond.

  • Even upland areas, including sandybeaches above the high water mark, have been the subject of a number of conflicts that have prompted Maine courts to reconcile private property interests with a collection of public access claims.1 Submerged lands and ocean space The State of Maine owns submerged land below the mean low-water line, out to three nautical miles, and holds this land in trust for public use.

  • Submerged lands located at the BSC and BCC through the upper bayou of this project are owned by the NFS via patent by the State of Texas.

More Definitions of Submerged lands

Submerged lands means those river, creek, and ocean bottoms lying below mean low-water mark.
Submerged lands means those river, creek and ocean bottoms lying below mean low‑water mark.
Submerged lands means those areas below the ordinary high-water mark of marine waters or rivers and which are defined as a “shoreline of the state” by Chapter 90.58 RCW (Shoreline Management Act).
Submerged lands means land area that is located underwater from the pierhead line toward the channel line.
Submerged lands means lands beneath or substantially beneath the territorial waters of the State or which are submerged at mean low tide.
Submerged lands means lands from the shoreline seaward to the extent of the State's jurisdiction.
Submerged lands means lands below the “natural boundary” as defined in the Land Act.