Examples of Ethiopian Fiscal Year in a sentence
Ethiopian Fiscal Year is a period covering Hamele 1 of the given year to Sene 30 of the following calendar year.
For example, the 1992 Ethiopian Fiscal Year covers Hamele 1, 1991 to Sene 30 1992.This is equivalent to the 1999/00 G.F.Y.
Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS Response Annual Monitoring & Evaluation Report 2001 Ethiopian Fiscal Year [July 2008- June 2009].
There is an urgent need to now determine all details of the current Ethiopian Fiscal Year 2004 (EFY2004) necessary for implementation, including in detailed training and procurement plans.
The overall progress for the first 6 months of Ethiopian Fiscal Year 2004 (July 8, 2011 to January 7, 2012) was well below the plan for this period.
The final recommended draft federal budget is sent to Parliament in early June and is expected to be cleared at the latest by the end of the previous Ethiopian Fiscal Year.
GTP II 2016-2020 was adopted in May 2016 and had targets in different sectors such as agriculture, health, education, climate change and water supply amongst others.With the process for development of next five years plan (Ethiopian Fiscal Year 2013 – 2017) under way, there is an opportunity to incorporate strategic targets on food and nutrition and the Seqota Declaration expansion and scale up phase plan and secure budgetary allocation for food and nutrition.
The objectives of the Mission were to assess: (i) the progress in implementing the Annual Plan for Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) 2010; (ii) the extent to which the Program is on track to achieve its outputs following the revised logical framework; (iii) the steps taken towards achieving the Government vision of a scalable safety net system; and (iv) the implementation progress of the Action Plans agreed during the previous mission (Nov-Dec 2017).
The approximate value of public procurement of goods, works and consulting services financed by external assistance and external loans for the Ethiopian Fiscal Year [2002] is estimated at Birr 1,755.44 million (about US$ 208 million equivalent.) The approximate percentage of goods, works and consulting services financed by external agencies is 24%.
Table 4 - Percentages of Social Care SDS options April - October 2014Client GroupGiven theSDS choiceOption 1Option 2Option 3Option 4Dementia15572.4%1.3%93.9%2.4%Mental Health4926.6%4.2%87.4%1.8%Learning Disabilities6988.5%13.0%69.1%9.3%Physical Disabilities25595.8%3.6%88.1%2.5%Older People41446.6%3.3%86.9%3.2%Other16095.8%1.6%91.7%0.9%Total125495.8%3.6%87.4%3.2%Responding Councils Option 2 and Option 4 remain relatively undeveloped compared to option 1.