Extended aeration definition

Extended aeration means a modification of the activated sludge process that uses long aeration periods and long mean cell residence times for aerobic digestion of the biological mass by endogenous res- piration and promotes the growth of nitrifying organisms.

Examples of Extended aeration in a sentence

  • Extended aeration activated sludge including nitrogen and phosphorus removal (advanced treatment) technology is the most commonly used technology in the world which is very efficient and easy to operate and suits to the local conditions (climate) as well.

  • Extended aeration using oxidation ditches has the advantage of simple construction, relatively simple operation, no preliminary settling is required, and the sludge produced tend to be stable.

  • Facility Type: POTW Facility Description: Extended aeration / sludge holding tank / sludge disposed by contract hauler.

  • Treatment System (1.41 MGD) ➢ Two Activated Sludge Reactor (Extended aeration type) with a capacity of0.7 (MGD) each ➢ Two Secondary Settlers ➢ 6 Acres of Land Effluent Reuse System➢ One Chlorination Tank ➢ Pumping station with capacity for 1.41 MGD ➢ Approximately 10,000 ft of 12- inch irrigation system, including a system to divert excess flow to the Benito Juarez reservoir.

  • The 1976 EIR proposed the following treatment systems as potential treatment alternatives: • Aeration ponds followed by tertiary filtration• Extended aeration activated sludge process with tertiary filtration• Complete mix packaged treatment facility with tertiary filtration The extended aeration activated sludge alternative was the preferred treatment alternative and was subsequently approved for implementation by the RRCSD Board.

  • Application Date: 04/25/22Expiration Date: 12/31/22Facility Type and Description: Non-POTW - Extended aeration / tertiary sock filtration / chlorination / dechlorination / septage holding tank / septage is hauled to a permitted disposal facility by contract haulerOutfall(s) Table:Comments:Changes in this permit for Outfall #001 include the revision of ammonia to quarterly limits with a modified composite sample type.

  • The wet stream consists of the following unit processes.• Fine screening• Extended aeration with integral clarifiers• Tertiary filtration• UV disinfectionWAS is pumped to four (4) covered aerobic digesters before dewatering via a Centrisys centrifuge.

  • Extended aeration plants are frequently built as oxidation ditches or as aerated ponds.

  • Application Date: 06/05/2020Expiration Date: 03/31/2020 Facility Type and Description: Non - POTW - Extended aeration / chlorination / dechlorination / aerated sludge holding tank / septage disposal by contract hauler Outfall(s) Table:Comments:Changes in this permit for Outfall #001 include the revision of Ammonia limits, and the removal of Dissolved Oxygen and Oil & Grease.

  • Extended aeration is the proposed and robust treatment technology.

Related to Extended aeration

  • extended reduction period means the period for which a person is in receipt of an extended reduction in accordance with paragraph 89, 96 or 101;

  • extended reduction means a reduction under this scheme for which a person is eligible under Part 12 (extended reductions);