Green infrastructure means a stormwater management measure that manages stormwater close to its source by:
Infrastructure facility means a building; structure; or networks of buildings, structures, pipes, controls, and equipment, or portion thereof, that provide transportation, utilities, public education, or public safety services. Included are government office buildings; public schools; courthouses; jails; prisons; water treatment plants, distribution systems, and pumping stations; wastewater treatment plants, collection systems, and pumping stations; solid waste disposal plants, incinerators, landfills, and related facilities; public roads and streets; highways; public parking facilities; public transportation systems, terminals, and rolling stock; rail, air, and water port structures, terminals, and equipment.
Commercial project means any project, including, but not
energy infrastructure means any physical equipment or facility which is located within the Union or linking the Union to one or more third countries and falling under the following categories:
Infrastructure improvement means permanent infrastructure that is essential for the public health and safety or that:
Critical Energy Infrastructure Information means all information, whether furnished before or after the mutual execution of this Agreement, whether oral, written or recorded/electronic, and regardless of the manner in which it is furnished, that is marked “CEII” or “Critical Energy Infrastructure Information” or which under all of the circumstances should be treated as such in accordance with the definition of CEII in 18 C.F.R. § 388.13(c)(1). The Receiving Party shall maintain all CEII in a secure place. The Receiving Party shall treat CEII received under this agreement in accordance with its own procedures for protecting CEII and shall not disclose CEII to anyone except its Authorized Representatives.
Infrastructure Improvements means a street, road, sidewalk, parking facility, pedestrian mall, alley, bridge, sewer, sewage treatment plant, property designed to reduce, eliminate, or prevent the spread of identified soil or groundwater contamination, drainage system, waterway, waterline, water storage facility, rail line, utility line or pipeline, transit-oriented development, transit-oriented property, or other similar or related structure or improvement, together with necessary easements for the structure or improvement, owned or used by a public agency or functionally connected to similar or supporting property owned or used by a public agency, or designed and dedicated to use by, for the benefit of, or for the protection of the health, welfare, or safety of the public generally, whether or not used by a single business entity, provided that any road, street, or bridge shall be continuously open to public access and that other property shall be located in public easements or rights-of-way and sized to accommodate reasonably foreseeable development of eligible property in adjoining areas. Infrastructure improvements also include 1 or more of the following whether publicly or privately owned or operated or located on public or private property:
Infrastructure project means any activity related to the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of infrastructure in the United States regardless of whether infrastructure is the primary purpose of the project. See also paragraphs (c) and (d) of 2 CFR 184.4.
Broadband infrastructure means networks of deployed
Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).
IT Infrastructure means software and all computers and related equipment, including, as applicable, central processing units and other processors, controllers, modems, servers, communications and telecommunications equipment and other hardware and peripherals.
Expansion Project has the meaning set forth in Section IV.3.a of this Agreement.
Infrastructure means infrastructure serving the County and improved or unimproved real estate and personal property, including machinery and equipment, used in the operation of the Project, within the meaning of Section 4-29-68 of the Code.
Environmental Infrastructure Facilities means Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Stormwater Management Facilities or Water Supply Facilities (as such terms are defined in the Regulations).
Electric Facility means a Generator or an electric transmission facility.
Commercial Premises means a place of trade or premises operated for financial gain, including but not limited to, a retirement village or a block of flats that has a common facility; a place of trade where the manufacture and production of products or produce takes place; a site where renovation, restoration and refurbishment work as described in Part B takes place.
Critical infrastructure means a communication infrastructure system, cybersecurity system, electric grid, hazardous waste treatment system, or water treatment facility.
Installation Information for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.
Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study means a study conducted by the Transmission Provider (in coordination with the affected Transmission Owner(s)) in accordance with Tariff, Part IV, section 36.
Wireless infrastructure provider means any person, including a person authorized to provide telecommunications service in the state, that builds or installs transmission equipment, wireless facilities, or wireless support structures, but that is not a wireless services provider.
Generation Interconnection Facilities Study means a Facilities Study related to a Generation Interconnection Request.
Holding facility means a designated area for the retention of
Lateral expansion means a horizontal expansion of the waste boundaries of an existing MSW landfill. A lateral expansion is not a modification unless it results in an increase in the design capacity of the landfill.
Generation Interconnection Agreement means the large generator interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Seller and Interconnection Provider concerning the Interconnection Facilities.
Generating Facility means Developer’s device for the production of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request, but shall not include the Developer’s Attachment Facilities.
Generation Interconnection Request means a request by a Generation Interconnection Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part IV, subpart A, to interconnect a generating unit with the Transmission System or to increase the capacity of a generating unit interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region.