Examples of Federal law in a sentence
BOCES establishes the following parental bill of rights: • Student PII will be collected and disclosed only as necessary to achieve educational purposes in accordance with State and Federal Law.
The independent contractor, whether a natural or legal person, will assume the same obligations established in this Purchase Order, in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares) (hereinafter “LFPDPPP”), its respective Regulations, Guidelines, and other applicable legal provisions.
Pregnancy will be treated as any other illness in accordance with Federal Law.
For employees who enroll and remain in a High Deductible Plan, the Township will also offer a Health Savings Account in the name of the employee, to be used by the employee to dedicate a portion of their annual salary, currently on a tax-exempt basis and/or as provided by Federal Law, toward eligible medical expenses as also determined by Federal Law.
The maximum amounts and use of the Health Savings Account will be as permitted under Federal Law.