Federal TANF funds definition
Examples of Federal TANF funds in a sentence
The average monthly number of families that include an adult or minor child head of household, or the spouse of the head of household, who has received assistance under any State program funded by Federal TANF funds for more than 60 countable months (whether or not consecutive) may not exceed 20 percent of the average monthly number of all families to which the State provided assistance during the fiscal year or the immediately preceding fiscal year (but not both), as the State may elect.
Indirect costs may be applied to the Federal TANF funds based on the indirect cost rate negotiated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Cost Allocation, or another Federal agency.
Effective October 1, 2008, States may use Federal TANF funds carried forward into a fiscal year from a prior fiscal year to provide, without fiscal year limitation, any benefit or service provided under the State’s TANF program (42 USC 604(e), as amended by ARRA).
These services are provided with Federal TANF funds and/or State MOE dollars.
Effective October 1, 2008, Tribes may use Federal TANF funds carried forward into a fiscal year from a prior fiscal year to provide, without fiscal year limitation, any benefit or service provided under the Tribe’s TANF program (42 USC 604(e), as amended by ARRA).
Effective October 1, 2008, tribes may use Federal TANF funds carried forward into a fiscal year from a prior fiscal year to provide, without fiscal year limitation, any benefit or service provided under the tribe’s TANF program (42 USC 604(e), as amended by ARRA).
Thus, the obligations and expenditures of Federal TANF funds on or after October 1, 1999, and any State actions occurring on or after October 1, 1999, are subject to the provisions in the final rules, as amended.
For example, States may use grant funds to provide cash or non-cash assistance, including direct services, but may not use more than 15 percent of Federal TANF funds for administrative activities.
States may use any Federal TANF funds carried forward into a fiscal year from a prior fiscal year to provide, without fiscal year limitation, any benefit or service provided under the State’s TANF program (42 USC 604(e), as amended by ARRA).
Thus, the obligations and expenditures of Federal TANF funds on or after October 1, 1999, and any State actions occurring on or after October 1, 1999, are subject to the provisions in the final rules, as amended (see 45 CFR Parts 260 – 265 for the TANF regulations applicable to States).The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 (Pub.