Examples of Federation Secretary in a sentence
The Federation Secretary shall receive a 10% reduction in workload as needed without loss of wages, rights and benefits.
The Employer shall furnish the Federation Secretary with the District Directory as soon as possible after its publication.
In addition the District shall provide the Federation Secretary a list of all academic employees denoting the respective administrative unit to which each academic and associate academic employee is assigned by ten (10) days after the first appropriate payroll run each academic year.
The result of such an election shall be notified to the Grey Power Federation Secretary within 10 days by email or written mail.
That all clocks be three way tested annually in accordance with the IHU rule 65, (upright in box-flat face down- flat face up), records of the test must be kept and a copy to be forwarded to the Federation Secretary prior to the commencement of racing each year.
In such case, the Federation Secretary General shall be informed.
Potential violations shall be reported to the Federation Secretary General who shall collect the available information and promptly refer the matter to the Chairman of the Chamber.
RW,152 the court concluded “some departure from equality in the instant case was justified on the basis of the duration of the marriage.”153 Once again, the wife was 143.
The Chairman of the Chamber may request the Federation Secretary General to assist in collecting more information.
In cases of hardship applications may be made to the Federation Secretary, such applications to be dealt with by the Board of Control.