FIFRA definition
Examples of FIFRA in a sentence
FIFRA section 26 specifies that for the purposes of FIFRA a State has primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations (primacy) as specified in FIFRA sections 26(a) and (b), 7 U.S.C. Section 136w-1(a) and (b).
FIFRA Section 22(b), 7 U.S.C. § 136t(b), authorizes the Administrator to cooperate with any State or any political subdivision thereof in carrying out the provisions of FIFRA and in securing uniformity of regulations.
FIFRA section 23, 7 U.S.C. §136u, empowers the Administrator to enter into cooperative agreements with States.
The Final Interpretive Rule (48 FR 404 published in the Federal Register on January 5, 1983) (1983 Final Rule), clarifies U.S. EPA’s interpretation of FIFRA section 26 and FIFRA section 27 regarding procedures for issuing, overseeing, and rescinding a State’s primacy over pesticide use violations.
FIFRA section 9(c)(3) and FIFRA section 14 provide for written warnings, and for civil and criminal penalties for violations of FIFRA provisions.