Examples of Finance Leases in a sentence
The Council as Lessor Finance Leases Where the Council grants a finance lease over a property or an item of plant or equipment, the relevant asset is written out of the Balance Sheet as a disposal.
The Council as Lessee Finance Leases Property, plant and equipment held under finance leases is recognised on the Balance Sheet at the commencement of the lease at its fair value measured at the lease’s inception (or the present value of the minimum lease payments, if lower).
Finance Leases Leases of property, plant and equipment where the Council has substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership are classified as finance leases.
The school does not enter into any Hire Purchase agreements, Finance agreements or Finance Leases as this constitutes borrowing which is not permitted.
Finance Leases The Council accounts for leases as finance leases when substantially all the risks and rewards relating to the leased property transfer to the Council.