Financial Partnership definition
Examples of Financial Partnership in a sentence
The India – U.S. Economic and Financial Partnership is led by the Finance Minister (FM) and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.
Furthermore, it was developed by Rizelo A in 2020 with the title "Sustainable Financial Partnership for the SDGs: The Case of Social Impact Bonds".
TEC’s primary focus should turn from global definer and evaluator of IWRMto on-the-ground facilitator for getting IWRMdone;• Regional Partnerships should be titled GWP-Central and Eastern Europe or GWP-West Africa and so on to be identified as part of the GWP family;• The name of the Financial Support Group (FSG) has been changed to Financial Partnership Group (FPG);• It is envisaged that the Secret- ariat will be qualified for an inter- national legal status under Swe- dish law.
Ms. Brooke Nissim-Sabat offered a motion to repeal Policy PP-5044: Financial Partnership.
It is envisaged that whilst wider financial concerns may be addressed by the whole Deanery Leadership Team on occasions, the smaller Deanery Financial Partnership will carry a particular responsibility for this and meet separately to address specific financial matters amongst the parishes.
Currently, USA and the EU are negotiating a free trade agreement, the TTFP (Transatlantic Trade and Financial Partnership) that will bring about the exchange of even larger real and financial flows between them.
TO: PC Financial Partnership (the "Borrower") and Petro-Canada RE: Credit Agreement ("Credit Agreement") made as of July 22, 2004 between the Borrower, Petro-Canada, the Agent and a syndicate of Lenders Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalized terms in this Lender Assignment Agreement shall have the meanings set out in the Credit Agreement.
M&E reporting will be carried out in accordance with AfDB’s applicable policies and procedures and the terms of the Financial Partnership Agreement signed between the AfDB and the We-Fi secretariat and for the relevant grant.M&E of the program will comprise of multiple but inter-connected activities.
The last meeting was in May 2023 in Wash- ington DC.• India – U.S. Economic and Financial Partnership Dialogue (EFP): Led by our Finance Minister and the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, the 9th ministerial EFP Dialogue was held in November 2022 in New Delhi.
Variable Pay Plans: Creating a Financial Partnership with the Work Force, WorldatWork Journal, Fourth Quarter 2002, at 74.