Fixed Income Portfolios definition
Examples of Fixed Income Portfolios in a sentence
The investment objective of each Select Portfolio is to seek to achieve total return consisting of income and capital appreciation.As further detailed in the relevant Supplement, the Select Portfolios are classified as Fixed Income Portfolios and conform to the investment principles set out at paragraph 2.2 above.Please refer to paragraph 2 “Investment Policies” of each Portfolio in the relevant Supplement for further information on the relevant Portfolio’s investment policy.
As part of a Fixed Income Portfolio’s overall investment policy, and as part of the range of Permitted Investments which may be utilised to generate exposure to fixed income markets, a Fixed Income Portfolio may invest in units or shares of bond related Permitted Funds, including Permitted Funds managed by Goldman Sachs; however, none of the Fixed Income Portfolios will invest more than 10% of its net assets in any Permitted Funds.
Fixed Income Portfolios in particular may use certain techniques through the use of financial derivative instruments related to the management of currency, credit and interest rate risks associated with the assets held in the relevant Fixed Income Portfolio and may engage in transactions in financial derivative instruments, which may result in both net long and net short exposures, and other Permitted Investments as part of their general investment policy, to generate returns and/or for hedging purposes.
Please see Appendix B – “Special Investment Techniques” together with the “Risk Considerations” discussed below and in the relevant Supplement describing the relevant Fixed Income Portfolios.
The Fixed Income Portfolios may invest in zero coupon bonds and deferred interest bonds, which are debt obligations issued at a significant discount from face value.
The performance objective is to exceed the Barclay’s Aggregate Index net of fees over rolling five-year periods by a greater margin than that of the US Core Fixed Income Portfolios.
Fixed Income Portfolios: Acceptable asset categories include money market securities, US Governments, its agencies and governmental sponsored entities.
The Fixed Income Portfolios will not invest in equity and equity related instruments (with the exception of (i) shares in other Permitted Funds which themselves do not invest in equity securities and (ii) instruments which are received as part of a restructuring or similar event).
This report includes only the financial statements of US Corporate Income, US Short Duration Fixed Income and Global Fixed Income Portfolios.
The fair values of the investment securities and the associated fair value measurements as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 are as follows: 2021Investment TypeLevel 1Level 2Level 3 2020Investment TypeLevel 1Level 2Level 3 The Blended and Fixed Income Portfolios of the ABF and the Common Investment Fund of the ABHMS represent investment pools managed by ABF and ABHMS, respectively.