Fixed tank definition

Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently attached to a vehicle (which then becomes a tank-vehicle) or is an integral part of the frame of such vehicle;
Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently fixed to a wagon (which then becomes a tank-wagon) or is an integral part of the frame of such wagon.
Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently attached to a

Examples of Fixed tank in a sentence

  • Dated 30 June 2008.Delivery SystemApproval Rating(b) Schedule Victorian Approved Aircraft Delivery Systems Table 1 Fixed tank and belly tank delivery systemsConair 92 Belly Tank (Bell 205, 212)Approved Standard Simplex 304 Fire Attack System Pre 2002 (Bell 205, 212, 412, AB412 & UH‐1H)Not ApprovedDoes not satisfy the minimum requirements.

More Definitions of Fixed tank

Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently attached to a vehicle/wagon (which then becomes a tank-vehicle/tank-wagon) or is an integral part of the frame of such vehicle/wagon;
Fixed tank means a tank attached to the vessel with walls consisting either of the hull itself or of a casing separate from the hull;
Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently attached to a vehicle (which then becomes a tank-vehicle) or is an integral part of the frame of such vehicle; "Flammable component" (for aerosols) means flammable liquids, flammable solids or flammable gases and gas mixtures as defined in Notes 1 to 3 of sub-section 31.1.3 of Part III of the Manual of Tests and Criteria. This designation does not cover pyrophoric, self-heating or water-reactive substances. The chemical heat of combustion shall be determined by one of the following methods ASTM D 240, ISO/FDIS 13943:1999 (E/F) 86.1 to 86.3 or NFPA 30B;
Fixed tank means a tank which is structurally attached to a vehicle or is an integral part of the frame of the vehicle;
Fixed tank means a tank which is structurally attached to a vehicle (which then becomes a tank wagon) or is an integral part of the frame of such wagon. “Fixed tank” [ADR] means a tank which is structurally attached to a vehicle (which then becomes a tank vehicle) or is an integral part of the frame of such vehicle.
Fixed tank means a tank used for transporting liquids or gases that is permanently fixed to a vessel and includes a space built into the structure of a vessel;
Fixed tank means a tank having a capacity of more than 1 000 litres which is permanently attached to awagon (which then becomes a tank-wagon) or is an integral part of the frame of such wagon; 4 Appendix G is harmonised with the European legislation, particularly Directives 2004/49/EC (Articles 3 and 14 a) and 2008/57/EC (Articles 2 and 33) on the elements related to ECM. Annex A to ATMF is equivalent to Regulation (EU) 445/2011 and deals with the certification system of entities in charge of the maintenance of freight wagons.