Floodway fringe means an area which is outside a floodway and is
Floodway fringe means an area that is outside a floodway and is
Floodway fringe means those portions of the flood plain, other than the floodway, which can be filled, leveed, or otherwise obstructed without causing substantially higher flood levels or flow velocities.
Examples of Floodway fringe in a sentence
Floodway fringe areas along the Browns River and Morgan Brook that are within the Town Center zoning district are included in this overlay district.
Additional information regarding Floodway fringe and cut/fill data has been provided by the project’s consulting civil engineer.
Floodway fringe means that area of the floodplain on either side of the regulatory floodway where encroachment may be permitted without additional hydraulic and/or hydrologic analysis.
In areas cowered by zoning districts, any building permitted by the use district shall be permitted in Floodway fringe district.
Floodway fringe means that area of the special flood hazard area on either side of the regulatory floodway.
More Definitions of Floodway fringe
Floodway fringe means an area that is outside a floodway and is flooded with an average frequency of once or more in each 100 years, as determined by the Secretary of Natural Resources with full consideration given to upstream impoundments and flood control projects “River corridor” has the same meaning as under section 752 of this title.
Floodway fringe means the land between the boundary of the floodway and the limits of the 100-year floodplain. In those special flood hazard areas where the floodway boundary is not delineated upon flood insurance study maps, the floodway fringe area shall be determined by the use of other base flood data, as described in LCMC 18.300.090(3)(p)(iii).
Floodway fringe means that area of the floodplain on either side of the "regulatory floodway" where encroachment may be permitted.
Floodway fringe means that portion of the floodplain lying outside the floodway.
Floodway fringe means those portions of the Special Flood Hazard Area outside the floodway.
Floodway fringe means the area between the floodway boundary and the 100-year floodplain boundary.
Floodway fringe means the portion of the regulatory floodplain beyond the limits of the floodway.