Food Waste definition

Food Waste means waste food that is household waste or, as the case may be, commercial waste, and shall have the same meaning as that applying to Regulation 7 of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009 (SI 508 of 2009) or, as the case may be, to Regulation 6 of the European Union (Household Food Waste and Bio-Waste) Regulations 2015 (SI 430 of 2015);
Food Waste means fruit and vegetable peelings, table scraps, meat, poultry and fish, shellfish, dairy products, cooking oil, grease and fat, bread, grain, rice and pasta, bones, egg shells, coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves and bags or other similar items.
Food Waste means food processing vegetative waste, food

Examples of Food Waste in a sentence

  • All Slurry delivered to the JWPCP shall be in compliance with the District’s Minimum Standards for Food Waste (“Minimum Standards”), attached hereto as Exhibit “A”.

  • Each Slurry tanker truck load delivered to JWPCP shall be accompanied by a Food Waste Slurry Manifest form (“Manifest”) to document the delivery.

  • Biogen Tomorrow’s Valley Food Waste Plant The Biogen Food Waste Plant became fully operational on the 19th July 2015.

  • COMPANY shall test the sample for pH and electrical conductivity at the processing facility and include the results on the Food Waste Slurry Manifest slip (Manifest).

  • Not surprisingly, Food Waste is the single most prevalent category.

More Definitions of Food Waste

Food Waste means waste from fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, fish, shellfish, nuts, seeds, grains, coffee grounds, and other food that results from the distribution, storage, preparation, cooking, handling, selling or serving of food for human consumption. Food waste includes but is not limited to excess, spoiled or unusable food and includes inedible parts commonly associated with food preparation such as pits, shells, bones, and peels. Food waste does not include liquids or large amounts of oils and meats which are collected for rendering, fuel production or other non-disposal applications, or any food fit for human consumption that has been set aside, stored properly and is accepted for donation by a charitable organization and any food collected to feed animals in compliance with applicable regulations.
Food Waste means Source Separated Food Scraps and Food-Soiled Paper. Food Waste is a subset of Organic Materials.
Food Waste means vegetable and other food scraps, including meat, dairy products, grease and bones; paper which has been contaminated with food, fat or grease; and compostable paper including paper towels, paper plates, tissue and waxed paper.
Food Waste means Source Separated Food Scraps, Food-Soiled Paper, and Compostable
Food Waste means controlled waste that—
Food Waste means all institutional, wholesale, retail, and residential food wastes.
Food Waste means waste from fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, fish, shellfish, nuts, seeds, grains, and similar materials that results from the storage, preparation, cooking, handling, selling or serving of food for human consumption. “Food waste” includes but is not limited to excess, spoiled or unusable food and includes inedible parts commonly associated with food preparation such as pits, shells, bones, and peels. “Food waste” does not include dead animals not intended for human consumption or animal excrement.