Examples of Forestry Consultant in a sentence
The costs and expenses of the Forestry Consultant in connection with the dispute resolution procedure set forth herein shall be paid by the non-prevailing Party.
ValuerThe plantation was valued as at 28 February 2022 by Andrew Clarke, Registered Forestry Consultant (NZIF), of PF Olsen Limited, forest consultants and managers.
Yours sincerelyPF OLSEN LIMITEDJEFF SCHNELLRegistered Forestry Consultant (NZIF) DisclaimerThis valuation was commissioned by Roger Dickie (NZ) Ltd for the purpose of reporting in the individual partnership, or owner, accounts.
The Company’s immediate and ultimate holding company is Microware International Holdings Limited (“Microware International’’).
ValuerThe plantation was valued as at 28 February 2021 by Andrew Clarke, Registered Forestry Consultant (NZIF), of PF Olsen Limited, forest consultants and managers.