Examples of Fracture in a sentence
Fracture: the breaking off of rigid tooth structure not including crazing due to thermal changes or chipping due to attrition.
Surgical Incision Incision and drainage of abcess - intraoral and extraoral Removal of foreign body Partial ostectomy/sequestrectomy Maxillary sinusotomy Fracture repairs of maxilla, mandible and facial bones – simple and compound, open and closed reduction.
Fracture or fractured: the breaking off of rigid tooth structure not including crazing due to thermal changes or chipping due to attrition.
Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with composite posts.
Fracture: the breaking off of rigid tooth structure not including crazing due to thermal changes or chipping due to attrition.Health care provider: any hospital or person that is licensed or otherwise authorized in Pennsylvania to furnish health care services.