Frequently definition

Frequently means the activity or condition exists up to 2/3 of the time.
Frequently means to occur often; many times and at short intervals.
Frequently or intensively’ means an activity carried out by the same person:-

Examples of Frequently in a sentence

  • Frequently reports to an IT Chief Operating Officer, Director, Data Center Operations or Operating Unit IT Executive.

  • Frequently reports to an IT Chief Operating Officer, Operating Unit IT Executive or Departmental IT Executive.

  • Frequently reports to a Chief Information Officer or Chief Technology Officer.

  • Frequently reports to a Chief Information Officer or IT Chief Operating Officer.

  • Frequently reports to a Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer or E-Business Executive.

More Definitions of Frequently

Frequently means regularly or often.
Frequently means once or more per month and will cover activity that takes place on a repetitive basis.
Frequently means that the statement is correct in more than 50% of times.
Frequently means the activity takes place once a week or more.
Frequently means activity or condition exists from 1/3 to 2/3 of the time in an 8 hour day. (5.33 hours in an 8 hour day)
Frequently means once a week or more or four or more times in any 30 day period.
Frequently means once a month or more. ‘Intensively’ means on three days or more in a 30 day period