Monthly definition
Examples of Monthly in a sentence
Monthly progress reports shall be submitted for review by the tenth day of the following month and must include as a minimum: 1) current activities, 2) future activities, 3) potential items that are not included in the Scope of Work, 4) concerns and possible delays, 5) percentage of completion, and 6) budget status.
In the case of poor Subscriber credit, Star2Star may require an additional upfront deposit and/or personal guarantee if the equipment and/or other components are rented under a Monthly Hardware Agreement.
Unless Buyer initiates payment on an early payment discount date as described in subsection (c) below, Buyer shall initiate payment on the Monthly Batch Payment Date or the Quarterly Batch Payment Date as described in subsection (b) below or on the Net Date.
Authority Members of Transition Oversight Board [ ] [ ] Supplier Members of Transition Oversight Board [ ] [ ] Start Date for Transition Oversight Board meetings [insert date] Frequency of Transition Oversight Board meetings The Transition Board will meet as a minimum Monthly, but as required through transition.
Monthly, partial, progress payments shall be made by the Town to the Contractor for the percentage of the Work completed, subject to inspection by Town staff to verify percentage of completion.