FS Director definition
Examples of FS Director in a sentence
As long as one SP Director and one FS Director are present, a majority of all Directors, present in person or participating in accordance with Section 5.8, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but if at any meeting of the Board of Directors there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of the Directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Sole Member does not designate any Sponsor Director as either an SP Director or an FS Director, a majority of all Directors, present in person or participating in accordance with Section 5.8, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but if at any meeting of the Board of Directors there shall be less than a quorum present, a majority of the Directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, the Board of Directors, or any committee of the Board of Directors, may act without a meeting so long as a majority of the Directors or members of such committee, including at least one SP Director and one FS Director, unless, the membership of the Board of Directors or such committee does not include both an SP Director and an FS Director, shall have executed a written consent with respect to any action taken in lieu of a meeting.
In the event that a committee does not include at least one SP Director and one FS Director, a majority of such committee, present in person or participating in accordance with Section 5.8, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business of such committee.
Xxxx) until such time as FS collectively holds less than 5% of the aggregate number of Membership Units outstanding, and (iii) until such time as FS holds less than 5% of the aggregate number of Membership Units, the Managing Member shall not change the class or voting power of the members of the CAC Board in a manner that materially adversely affects the FS Director without the consent of FSA V and FSEP V.
Any issues that require escalation from the Committee to the Board and that require immediate attention are considered by the F&S Director and Chief Executive.
ADJOURNED at 9:30am BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:Richard Larson Harlan Madsen Jim Butterfield Dennis Peterson Dean Shuck BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT:Ann Stehn (FS Director, Interim) Larry Kleindl (County Administrator) Kathy Nelson (SS Supervisor) Charlotte Hand (SS Supervisor) Cynthia Casanova (Office Support) OTHERS PRESENT:Bev Ahlquist (media) Anne Polta (media) Motion made by Larson and supported by Butterfield to approve minutes of the last meeting…passed unanimously.
Svcs ECSE ALC FS Director Office Cooks Delivery Payroll Director Office Facility Director Office Maint Cust Trans.
I, my F&S Director and Head of Internal Audit attend as observers as do representatives of DfT Finance (who also represents the DfT Sponsor Directorate), National Audit Office (NAO) and KPMG (as sub-contracted auditors to NAO).
The NRWT is chartered by the FS Director of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM).