Examples of FS Finans in a sentence
The Offeror has received Irrevo- cable Undertakings that it can acquire a total of 6,540,722 Shares from Nykredit, Finansiel Stabilitet and FS Finans, which have title to and/or a right of disposal of these shares, corresponding to an additional 46.24 per cent of the Shares and voting rights, to the effect that the Offeror (i) has agreed to, and (ii) has received irrevocable undertakings that it can acquire, 76.19 per cent of the Shares and voting rights at the time of submission of the Offer.
In the spring of 2015, Polaris initiated a dialogue with Nykredit, Finansiel Stabilitet, FS Finans and Clipper regarding acquisition of the Shares they then held or had title to and/or a right of disposal of by way of irrevocable powers of attorney to effect sales.
The dialogue led to the conclusion of the Transaction Agreement and agreements for the acquisition of approximately 76.18 per cent of the Shares in Mols-Linien from (i) Clipper Group, (ii) Nykredit, and (iii) Finansiel Stabilitet and FS Finans.
Changes to the group structure of the Financial Stability Com- pany meant that the previous subsidiaries which were acquired under Bank Rescue Package 1, as well as Roskilde Bank, were merged into FS Bank A/S and FS Finans A/S.
City of Kinston has an ongoing project to establish a second connection to Duke Energy on a completely different part of their system, on Louie Pollock Road.
The interest rates offered by the new companies in the new FSC structure (i.e. FS Bank, FS Finans and FS Pantebrevsselskab) for loans and deposits will be placed above the 90%-quantile and below the 10%-quantile respectively in the Danish National Bank's interest rate statistics, which includes reports from the 30 largest Danish banking groups.
As shown in the Figure 4, in 2006 net interest margin was 13.44% and fell to 10.68% in 2007, 9.6% in 2008, 7.9% in 2009 and finally 6.8% in 2010.
The promulgations The Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs has issued concerning best practices for financial companies, also applies to FS Finans.
The Company has been notified that each of the following holds more than 5 % of the Shares and the voting rights: • Clipper Ferry Invest A/S, Copenhagen 29.95 %• FS Finans III A/S, Copenhagen 26.35 %• Rudersdal A/S in bankruptcy, Birkerød 10.73 %• Figaro Aktieinvest ApS, Hellerup 7.89 % As per 31 December 2014 Mols-Linien held 207,450 treasury Shares of nominally DKK 20 each, corresponding to 1.46 %.
In that connection, Nykred- it Bank, Finansiel Stabilitet and FS Finans, which in total represents 46,23 % of the Shares in Mols-Linien, made irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer.