Examples of FTR Credit Requirement in a sentence
Long-term FTR Credit Requirement calculations shall be updated annually for known history, consistent with updating of historical values used for FTR Credit Requirement calculations in the annual auctions.
Subject to later adjustment by an amount based on portfolio diversification, if applicable, the FTR Credit Requirement shall be the sum of the individual positive monthly subtotals, representing months in which net payments to PJMSettlement are expected.
For each Participant with FTR activity, PJMSettlement shall calculate an FTR Credit Requirement based on FTR cost less a discounted historical value.
Participants must maintain their FTR Credit Limit at a level equal to or greater than their FTR Credit Requirement.
The FTR Credit Requirement shall be calculated by first adding for each month the FTR Monthly Credit Requirement Contribution for each submitted, accepted, and cleared FTR and then subtracting the prorated value of any ARRs held by the Participant for that month.
Bids submitted into an auction will be rejected if the Participant’s FTR Credit Requirement including such submitted bids would exceed the Participant’s FTR Credit Limit, or if the Participant fails to establish additional credit as required pursuant to provisions related to portfolio diversification.
For Participants with portfolios that are both FTR Flow Undiversified and FTR Geographically Undiversified, PJMSettlement shall increment the FTR Credit Requirement by an amount equal to three times the absolute value of the FTR Portfolio Auction Value, including the tentative cleared solution.
If the FTR Credit Requirement for any Participant exceeds its credit available for FTRs as a result of these diversification requirements for the tentatively cleared portfolio of FTRs, PJMSettlement shall immediately issue a demand for additional credit, and such demand must be fulfilled before 4:00 p.m. on the business day following the demand.
For portfolios that are FTR Flow Undiversified but not FTR Geographically Undiversified, PJMSettlement shall increment the FTR Credit Requirement by an amount equal to twice the absolute value of the FTR Portfolio Auction Value, including the tentative cleared solution.
The FTR Credit Requirement shall not include months for which the invoicing has already been completed, provided that PJMSettlement shall have up to two Business Days following the date of the invoice completion to make such adjustments in its credit systems.