Examples of Fugitive emissions in a sentence
Fugitive Emissions monitoring shall be done using a portable organic vapor analyzer using Method 21, or such alternative methods that may be shown to provide equivalent or better detection capabilities.
By April 30, 2007, Defendants shall conduct Fugitive Emissions monitoring of the Vapor Collection System at each Key Gathering Facility to ensure that Tanks and their associated fittings (including Thief Hatches, pressure-vacuum safety valves, and all other tank fittings), Cisterns, Floating Cover Systems, or Vapor Collection System piping connections do not Leak.
By May 31, 2007, Defendants shall conduct Fugitive Emissions monitoring at the connection between each active well casing head and vapor collection flowline to ensure that the connection does not Leak.
Borrowing Base increased to $1.85 B Responsible Management of Fugitive Emissions and Flaring 15 “Do the Right Thing” approach and proactive plan driving reductions in GHG emissions and flaring 68% Reduction vs.
Borrowing Base increased to $1.7 B with amended Credit Facility Responsible Management of Fugitive Emissions and Flaring 15 “Do the Right Thing” approach and proactive plan driving reductions in GHG emissions and flaring 68% Reduction vs.