Examples of Funding Loan Note in a sentence
In the event of any acceleration of the payment of the principal amount of the Funding Loan Note, that portion of any interest payment in excess of the maximum legal rate of interest, if any, provided for in this Funding Loan Agreement or related documents shall be cancelled automatically as of the date of such acceleration, or if theretofore paid, credited to the principal amount.
The Governmental Lender shall take no action nor, solely in reliance upon the covenants and representations of the Borrower in the Borrower Loan Agreement, in the Regulatory Agreement and in the Tax Certificate, permit nor suffer any action to be taken if the result of the same would be to cause the Funding Loan Note to be “federally guaranteed” within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Code.
Any of the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Counsel or Director of Finance of the Agency is hereby authorized to execute, for and on behalf of and in the name of the Agency, the Funding Loan Note, the Funding Loan Agreement and the Project Loan Agreement, with such final terms and provisions as their counsel may deem advisable, provided that the Funding Loan Note shall contain such substantive terms and provisions materially consistent with this Resolution.
The Funding Loan Note shall contain a statement therein to the effect that the obligations of the Agency on the Funding Loan Note are expressly limited to and are payable solely from the sources described in the Funding Loan Agreement.
The principal payments, including payments upon prepayment, of the Funding Loan Note shall be payable as provided in the Funding Loan Agreement.
The Funding Loan Note shall be in substantially the form and tenor prescribed in the Funding Loan Agreement.
Proceeds of the Funding Loan Note shall be used for the payment of qualified costs associated with the acquisition, construction, renovation, equipping and/or improvement of the Project, and may be applied to certain costs of issuance; and which Project is in every respect intended to qualify as a "residential rental facility" under the exempt facility provisions of Section 142(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").
The Funding Loan Note shall be subject to prepayment as provided in the Funding Loan Agreement.
Neither the members of the Board nor the officers of the Agency nor any person executing the Funding Loan Note shall be liable personally on the Funding Loan Note or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof.
The Funding Loan Note shall be a special and limited obligation of the Agency, and shall be payable only from funds paid by or on behalf of Borrower for such purposes.