Examples of G & A in a sentence
The amount of the adjustment shall be based upon the market value of the difference, but where this is not possible the adjustment shall be based upon the difference in cost plus the gross profit mark-up (i.e. an amount for selling general and administrative costs (S G & A) plus profit).
Each rate shall include direct costs, overhead, G & A, and profit.
The prob- ability P (t Mdi ) of term t considering the term distribution of document di is computed as follows:We introduce a BibRank function that ranks each type of entity included in the homogeneous subgraphs issued from the heterogeneous one G = {A U D, E}.
The Contractor shall not be allowed to add material handling charges, overhead (including G & A), or profit into the actual cost of materials expended toward the reservation.
For this slide G = (A, B, E ) is a bipartite graph.A Matching of A into B is a set of disjoint edges so that every element of A is an endpoint of some edge.
COST VOLUME - The Cost Volume presents the rationale the Contractor used in computing their coefficients and claims and change order history: 4.1 It should show how you computed the cost of doing the work and the various elements that made up the coefficient, to include G & A, profit, overhead, labor and burden, contingencies, etc.
Group E or F Australian Company1,5,7,8,9,10Group E & AForeign Company1,5,7,8,9,10Group F & A Agents; Authorised Representatives; Financial Adviser 6 or 7 Group G & A or E or FIf you are an Association, Co-operative, Government Body or other type of entity not listed above, please contact the Fund Administrator.
We find that Anderson admitted in his plea that the income of G & A was taxable to him in 1998 and 1999, and that this admission was necessary to his conviction.
For this reason, even if this Court were to accept the dubious claim that the IRS conceded in its motion to sever that income from G & A was not taxable to Anderson, that concession would not be binding on it because it would be a statement of a legal proposition.
The government alleged that for the five-year period at issue, Anderson had fraudulently underpaid his taxes by $184 million, 99% of which stemmed from the income of G & A.