L1. L2 etc definition

L1. L2 etc means First or second Lowest Offer etc."L1. L2 etc" means First or second Lowest Offer etc. "LC" means Letter of Credit"LC" means Letter of Credit
L1. L2 etc means First or second Lowest Offer etc.
L1. L2 etc means First or second Lowest Offer etc. "LC" means Letter of Credit "LD or L/D" means Liquidated Damages

Examples of L1. L2 etc in a sentence

  • International Commercial Terms, 2010 (of ICC) "L1, L2 etc" First or second Lowest Offer etc.

  • BHEL will consider the ranking after the loading is applied as referred above, wherever deviations are observed Ranking (L-1, L-2 etc.) will be done only for the Techno-Commercially acceptable offers.

  • If prints are photographed, re-photographed, or lifted, the card numbers (L1, L2, etc.) must be listed.

  • The total marks obtained by the bidder based on the above mentioned technical proposal evaluation shall be the basis of gradation of the bidder as L-1, L-2 etc.

  • The use of this formula is only applicable where the additive substances have been assigned OELs, and L1, L2, etc.

  • International Commercial Terms, 2010 (of ICC) "L1, L2 etc " First or second Lowest Offer etc.

  • Upon meeting the specifications, the rates quoted by the bidder(s) shall be noted and the bidder(s) will be ranked into L1, L2, etc.

  • Results are presented separately for lactating women (Tables L1, L2, etc.

  • In case of more than one such eligible MSE, bidders the supply will be shared equally.Note-3: In case a MSE bidders happens to be L1, L2 etc, then distribution shall be as per sub column of Col.2 of Table 1(B) above.Note-4: If no eligible MSE bidders are available then aforesaid earmarked 20% quantity shall be de -reserved & the allotted quantity for other general bidders will be restored to 100% and distribution shall be as per Table -1(A) above.

  • Details pertaining to Anesthesia Minutes and corrected claims may be sent in Notes (NTE).• Details sent in NTE that will be included in claim processing:• Please include L1, L2, etc.

More Definitions of L1. L2 etc

L1. L2 etc means First or second Lowest
L1. L2 etc means First or secondLowest Offer etc."LC"means Letter of Credit"LD or L/D"means Liquidated Damages"LSI"means Large Scale Industry"NIT"means Notice Inviting Tenders."NSIC"means National smallindustries corporation"PQB"means Pre-qualificationbidding"PSU"means Public SectorUndertaking"PVC"means Price variation clause"RC"means Rate contract"RR or R/R"means Railway Receipt"SBD" or "T D"means Standard BidDocument / Tender Document"SCC"means Special Conditions ofContract"SIT"means Special Instructions toTenderers"BRBNMPL"means Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran PrivateLimited"SS I"means Small Scale Industry"ST"means Sales Tax"VAT"means Value Added Tax

Related to L1. L2 etc

  • H1, H2 etc means First Highest, Second Highest Offers etc. in Disposal Tenders means

  • NI 51-102 means National Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure Obligations;

  • NI 81-102 means National Instrument 81-102 – Investment Funds.